Is the Beef in Pho Ok for Pregnancy

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pho while pregnant?

so I'm planning on going for pho this weekend with some friends.. I have read about it online and have mixed feelings about adding the sprouts into the soup (which I love a lot of). has anyway spoken to a doctor about this? thoughts?


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What's wrong with bean sprouts?


it's the raw sprouts they say to stay away from.. same reason you should stay away from deli meat or uncooked steak or sushi.. raw anything has more bacteria and can have more potential risks for the baby




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Omg 😫😫😫 I didn't know bean sprouts weren't good for the baby!


they say if they're raw.. but again I've read some mixed reviews online about ppl who eat pho and add the sprouts anyway

It's for the same reason you should wash vegatables well and pay atttention to recalls on lettuce and things, you could always heat them same as deli meat

First pregnancy I was addicted to pho in my first trimester and put everything in it. Didn't know you weren't supposed to eat bean sprouts, the soup is hot enough to cook the meat so I'm guessing it kinda cooks everything else?

Aaaaaand now I'm craving some pho!


lol that's what people say.. I think I'll put in some just not as much as I normally would.. and ya I've been feeling it for a while.. enjoy!


omg pho! i do the pho tai or pho ga. yummyyyy. their lemon sodas r soo good too

After reading this earlier today I had to get some for dinner! I get it with out the sprouts and make sure that the meat is precooked before hand. Soooooo good


Listen; raw is fine. I highly doubt you would consume enough bacteria with one Pho to do damage to the baby.

I am the mom who ate sushi, drank caffeine, etc with my first.

She is completely healthy. Full of energy. And totally normal.

I did all those things with moderation though; I do not believe living life off the "fear based diet".

When we were hunters and gatherers we had babies just fine, but we did not have pesticides and chemicals sprayed all over our food. That is more my concern.

I say go for it. Enjoy. And I'll be eating Pho today cause now my craving for it is too big thanks to you

thank you everyone!! I'll feel much better eating my pho without worry this weekend.. sorry for bringing on all these cravings.. yet not sorry because it's soo good lol. enjoy mammas!

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